Textbook Return Information

TCC Textbook Return – Juniors & Seniors (11th & 12th graders)

As you complete your courses for Fall 2024, please make plans to bring all textbooks to the ECHS main office by 12/12/24 after your final exams are complete.

If you have any specific questions, please email Dr. Leverette at michelleleverette@misdmail.org at your earliest convenience. 

TCC Textbook Return –  Freshmen & Sophomores (9th & 10th graders)

Scholars at the Timberview campus, Dr. Leverette will come to your TCC classrooms to collect your TCC textbooks after your TCC final exams are complete. Please bring your book to TCC class daily next week after your exam(s) are complete until your textbook has been collected. Thank you!